What is a Cuckold?
Traditionally a Cuckold is a married man whose Hotwife loves to have sex with other guys.
These days husbands are finding that allowing, and even encouraging their wife to become a Hotwife and to sleep with other men gives their sex life a great boost.
The wives are not having sex with other men as a way of rejecting their husband, rather the sex with other men is used as an aphrodsiac to boost their sex life at home.
These days the Cuckold is almost always aware that his Hotwife is fucking around, occasionally they are unaware.
It is a very common for men to fantasise about their wife having sex with other men, it maybe a friend, a workmate or a celebrity from TV. Many men never pursue the fantasy, however those couples in a loving relationship who have good communications with their partner will often bring the subject up and with their partners consent enter into the "hotwife / Cuckold" lifestyle.
These days there are many more couples who have open relationships which means that it is easier for the husband to suggest that his wife become a Hotwife.
A few words of caution
A Hotwife/cuckold relationship is not going to work if the husband is a jealous person.
If both parties are sexually satisfied then Hotwifing may work, but if either of you is not finding your own sex life satisfying playing at being a hot wife can cause rifts. Hotwifing is done best when both parties are satisfied in the bedroom, but want to spice things up a bit.
If for one reason or another, there is no way that the husband alone cannot keep his wife satisfied, you may want to look at your relationship as a whole. If you find that everything is fine outside the bedroom, then hotwifing may be a solution, then go ahead and consider it.